Boundary Reform Public Consultation
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The Boundaries Commission are currently undertaking public consultation regarding the Boundary Change proposal.

Find out more information and where to have your say here.

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What is a Petition?

A Petition is a document containing the names, signatures and addresses of a group of people who have a common cause to bring to Council.

What is a Petition used for?

A Petition is used to raise an issue and lobby for a solution.

Our Local Government system is designed to give the community the opportunity to raise concerns about issues such as traffic control in their area. Community members can, either as individuals or as a group, contact their Elected Members or the Chief Executive Officer by letter, telephone, email or in person.  Alternatively, where a group of people have a common concern they can organise a Petition to present to Council.  This is a formal way of bringing the subject of the Petition to the notice of all Elected Members at the same time.

What should the Petition look like?

The Petition must:

  • Be legibly written, typed or printed
  • Clearly set out at the top of each page containing signatures, the request or submission of the Petitioners
  • Show the printed name of each person, their signature and address
  • Be addressed to the Light Regional Council and delivered to the principal office of the Council at:
    • 93 Main Street, Kapunda SA 5373 OR
    • PO Box 72 Kapunda SA 5373.

Pages or names which do not meet this format will not be counted by Council when considering the Petition.

A covering letter should be provided with the name, address and contact details of the person to whom Council can address correspondence.

The original of each page of the Petition must be provided to the Council.

What happens to the Petition?

When a Petition is received, it is included in the agenda for the next Council Meeting for consideration of the matter and the course of action to be taken.

NOTE:  The Council agenda appears on Council’s website.  Contact details of Petition signatories will also appear on the website.

Please use the Petition form when submitting a Petition to Council.