Boundary Reform Public Consultation
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The Boundaries Commission are currently undertaking public consultation regarding the Boundary Change proposal.

Find out more information and where to have your say here.

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Governance Advisory Panel

Governance Advisory Panel

The Governance Advisory Panel Committee meets periodically throughout the year.

Meetings are open to the public, the public will only be excluded when considered proper and necessary i.e. the need for confidentiality outweighs the principle of open decision making.

An electronic link to the meeting will also be made available when the meeting agenda is uploaded to Council’s website. If you are unable to attend in person, you are welcome to attend electronically via the link provided below, but as an observer to the meeting we ask that:

  • Your microphone is to remain on mute at all times.
  • You do not type in the chat field.

Failure to follow the above meeting protocols, may result in you being removed from the meeting.

2023 Governance Advisory Panel Meeting Schedule

Meeting DateMeeting TimeMeeting Link
Thursday, 9 November3:30pmJoin Meeting Here

Meeting dates are subject to change.

View the Governance Advisory Panel Terms of Reference

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