Boundary Reform Public Consultation
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The Boundaries Commission are currently undertaking public consultation regarding the Boundary Change proposal.

Find out more information and where to have your say here.

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Stobie Pole Art

Feeling Creative?

Light Regional Council celebrates and encourages creative contributions of Stobie pole painting from community groups and individuals to add to Light Regional Council’s Public Art Strategy.

To support Stobie pole painting, we have provided some easy to follow (and important) information to help you on your way.

Simple patterns, intricate works of art, stencils, shapes - the ideas are endless. You can create your own design independently or design a theme to connect your street, community or group. Some key themes recommended would be:

  • Heritage: First Nations People, Copper Mining, Pioneering History, Farming and Agriculture, Transport and Engineering
  • Prominent People: Kidman and Dutton Family, Sporting Heroes, Innovation, Historic Icons, Resilience, Hardworking, Practical and Connections to the land
  • Villages, Vineyards + Plains: Open Space, Big Skies, Unique Townships, Winemaking, Agriculture, Wheat, Haystacks and Bush

Looking for some inspiration? Head to Instagram: #sastobie images

How to Apply

1. First step - apply to SA Power Networks

Not all Stobie poles can be painted so it's important to check if yours is okay by completing the online SA Power Network Pole Painting Application Form or email to seek permission, specifying the location of the pole(s) you wish to paint.

2. Next - Council approval

Once you have the SA Power Networks approval, you need to apply for approval from Light Regional Council.

Simply complete the online Stobie Pole Artwork Application Form and you're nearly done.

This includes:

  • Name, phone number, address, email, location and number of Stobie poles, plus:
    • Your approval from SA Power Networks.
    • Approval from property owner if you are renting property where Stobie pole is located.
    • Approval from neighbouring property owner/resident - if you are painting a Stobie pole that is in front of a property in which you are not an owner/resident.

3. Finally

We would also love to help promote and celebrate your Stobie pole art work, so why not send us some pictures or email us the location at

Further References

These Guidelines for best practice commissioning models and processes for public art are in accordance with:

The Light Regional Council

Arts SA commissioning guidelines for local councils