2024/2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget Public Consultation
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Council’s Draft Annual Business Plan (ABP) and Budget for the 2024/2025 financial year, which both have regard to the draft Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), are now available for public consultation.

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Customer Satisfaction Survey
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The Light Regional Council has engaged McGregor Tan, Adelaide’s first, home-grown independent market research company, to conduct a customer satisfaction survey.

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Livestock and Poultry

Livestock and poultry play a significant role in the community's livelihoods, sustainable food systems, and the agricultural economy in Australia. But with keeping livestock and poultry, as with all other animals comes the responsibility to keep their environments clean, tidy, and vermin free. Equally important is that they do not pose a nuisance to neighbours or the community.

Keeping Livestock

The keeping of livestock such as pigs, cattle, sheep, horses, camels or goats, must comply with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act. Depending on where you live and what animal you want to keep you may need a permit or approval.

To find out more or apply, Contact Us.

Keeping Poultry

The keeping of poultry such as chickens, turkeys, quails and pigeons must comply with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act. Depending on where you live and what animal you want to keep you may need a permit or approval.

To understand your responsibilities or learn more about keeping poultry you can, read the Poultry Guidelines; visit the Poultry Australia website; or Contact Us.