Customer Satisfaction Survey
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The Light Regional Council has engaged McGregor Tan, Adelaide’s first, home-grown independent market research company, to conduct a customer satisfaction survey.

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Allendale North

Contiguous to the village of Allen Creek 5 km north-west of Kapunda. The village of Allendale was laid out on section 1563, Hundred of Kapunda by William Oldham (1811-1885) circa 1859; Its post office opened in 1851 and the 'North' was added circa 1865 to distinguish it from its South-East counterpart.

Former School

This typical circa 1880s country school with attached residence is constructed in face sandstone. The school building has a high pitched gable ended roof with front porch entrance, and the attached house has a separately entrance as a symmetrically fronted cottage.

The building is dressed with face red brick and retains face red brick chimneys also. To the rear of the house are skillion extensions in corrugated iron.

Eliza Bean who owned the Wheatsheaf Hotel transferred land for school purposes to the Minister Controlling Education in 1879. This is a combined school and residence built by local builders Sara and Dunstan and completed in 1881 for £936/6/9d. It was first owned by the Education Department. An underground tank provided water.

The school closed in 1943 and students from the area then attended Kapunda primary school. The residence was rented to teachers with Kapunda postings until 1978 when the school and the residence were purchased from the Teacher Housing Authority for private use.

Wheatsheaf Inn
